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MOGON Intro 102: Working Remotely - 25 April 2024 - 14:00-17:00 - ZDV: KR4

Introduction to practically working on remote servers. First aid in completing your MOGON login.
Stato: offline

Informazioni generali

Informazioni importanti
Intended Audience:
Everyone who wants to work on a remote Linux based system - knowing how to navigate on the shell is highly recommended.

- Shell proficiency level at MOGON Intro 101 or higher

Where and When
This is a 3 h course. See the title for the location and timing.
After you have previously gained some experience in running shells locally, we focus on doing so on remote computers (e.g. MOGON) in this course of the MOGON Intro Series and cover commands that are commonly used for this purpose, starting from ssh – to establish secure shell (SSH) connections – to file transfer options like scp and rsync. We will dive deeper into setting up a productive working environment and offer you the opportunity to troubleshoot your own SSH setup for MOGON.

What you will learn:
- Connectin to remote hosts using ssh
- Creating an ssh-configuration
- Creating a ssh-key tuple
- Logging in to a remote System (on the example of MOGON)
- Using terminal multiplexers ("Terminator" locally and on the remote host "tmux")
- Transferring data with scp and rsync


Introduction to practically working on remote servers. First aid in completing your MOGON login.


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21. Dic 2022, 09:20 - 30. Aprile 2024, 11:55
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A: 23. Aprile 2024, 11:55
Spazi liberi:
Limite di cancellazione
25. Aprile 2024
Periodo del corso
25. Aprile 2024

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Creato il
21. Dic 2022, 11:15